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Het Globale Zuiden heeft nood aan rechtvaardigheid, niet aan hulp
(2019) -
‘Justice’ not ‘aid’ for the Global South
(2019) GIC Network. -
The omnipresent absentee? Challenges in researching the Kurdistan Workers’ Party in Europe and Turkey
Het autonomiestreven van de Koerdische rebellen in Syrië
Bahar Baser, Diasporas and Homeland Conflicts: A Comparative Perspective
Beyond Kurdistan? The Mesopotamia social forum and the appropriation and re-imagination of Mesopotamia by the Kurdish movement
Weergave van een tweedaagse training over onderbelichte kwesties in kwalitatief onderzoek
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
Optimized synergy in FTTH infrastructure deployment: pragmatic as well as structural approaches
Techno-economic evaluation of Open Access on FTTH networks
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Multi-level business modeling and simulation