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Socioeconomic and sociocultural differences in adolescents's leisure motivations
Exploring cascading effects of sensory processing on language skills and social‐communicative difficulties through play in young children at elevated likelihood for autism
Teachers’ computational thinking content knowledge : development of a measurement instrument
The bridging role of social work : the quest towards installing a structural approach within primary health care = De brugfunctie van sociaal werk : de zoektocht naar een structurele aanpak in de eerstelijnszorg
Stigma and its associations with medication adherence in major depressive disorder
Associations between the COVID-19 pandemic and women’s fertility intentions : a multi-country, cross-sectional (I-SHARE) study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Be true to your school? Teachers’ turnover intentions : The role of socioeconomic composition, teachability perceptions, emotional exhaustion and teacher efficacy
Are all negotiations equally favorable? The role of adolescents’ negotiation style, social domain, and mothers’ authoritarian beliefs and family history
Meer differentiatie in het lerarenberoep? Een (on)gelijke behandeling van leraren op basis van hun opleiding
Unconstraining evaluative conditioning research by using the reverse correlation task