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Fair integer programming under dichotomous and cardinal preferences
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Multi-neighbourhood simulated annealing for the ITC-2007 capacitated examination timetabling problem
Realizing the Full Potential of Digital Innovation: Exploring Maturity Levels for Integrating Interorganizational Value Chains
A study on policy decisions to embed flexibility for reactive recovery in the planning and scheduling process in operating rooms
Towards automated design : priority rules for resource-constrained project scheduling
(2024) -
Investigating a roadmap for digital work practices based on a maturity model approach
(2024) -
Validation set sampling strategies for predictive process monitoring
Reducing the feasible solution space of resource-constrained project instances
A hybrid forecasting model to predict the duration and cost performance of projects with Bayesian Networks
A genetic algorithm with resource buffers for the resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem