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Bioarchaeological perspectives on social inequality from classical Athens and Laurion
(2024) -
Biting into the Belgian neolithic : insights from isotopic analysis and dental anthropology
(2024) -
To sum it up a multiproxy study on regional population dynamics and human activity in the western Scheldt basin (Belgium & N-France) from the mesolithic to the medieval period
(2024) -
Rodenburg : een landschapsarcheologisch onderzoek naar vroege stadsontwikkeling in de Zwinregio (Aardenburg, provincie Zeeland, Nederland, ca. 300 - 1100 A.D.)
(2024) -
Wedijver en samenwerking in de maritieme gemeenschappen aan de vijftiende-eeuwse Vlaamse zeekust
(2024) -
The multicultural character of the settlement of Pyla-Kokkinokremos on Cyprus around 1200 BCE : ceramic analysis and interpretation
(2024) -
Alles heeft zijn prijs : tolheffing en de commerciële ontwikkeling van de Vlaamse ruimte (1150-1300)
(2024) -
A multidisciplinary and multi-scale study of the medieval environment (9th-15th centuries) of the lower Ravenna plain through archival documentation and macro- and micro-plant remains analysis
(2024) -
Close Encounters of the Third Kind? Neanderthal and modern humans in Belgium, a bone story.
(2023) -
Demes, farms, and gods : investigating the classical landscape of the Mesogeia