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Rethinking Schools as a Setting for Physical Activity Promotion in the 21st Century-a Position Paper of the Working Group of the 2PASS 4Health Project
Inter-institutional differences in defensive stakeholder management in higher education : the case of Serbia
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Internal branding in higher education: dialectical tensions underlying the discursive legitimation of a new brand of student diversity
The printing of the Scots medley, to which are added, Hamlet, and Madame fashion’s invitation and William Scott of Greenock
Event rate and reaction time performance in ADHD: testing predictions from the state regulation deficit hypothesis using an ex-Gaussian model
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Examining psychopathy from an attachment perspective: the role of fear of rejection and abandonment
Prevalence and correlates of young people's sexual aggression perpetration and victimisation in 10 European countries: a multi-level analysis
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Generalizing attentional control across dimensions and tasks: evidence from transfer of proportion-congruent effects
Can't see the forest for the trees? The effect of media multitasking on cognitive processing style
The salience of socially engaging and disengaging emotions among Black and White South Africans