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How are parental psychological control and autonomy support related? A cluster-analytic approach.
Age Differences in Conservatism: Evidence on the Mediating Effects of Personality and Cognitive Style
Nitrate-reducing, sulfide-oxidizing bacteria as microbial oxidants for rapid biological sulfide removal
Growth of segment parameters and a morphological classification for children between 15 and 36 months
Investigation, treatment and monitoring of late-onset hypogonadism in males
Evidence-based guidelines for the use of biochemical markers of bone turnover in the selection and monitoring of bisphosphonate treatment in osteoporosis: a consensus document of the Belgian Bone Club
Inflammasomes: guardians of cytosolic sanctity
Distribution of the NF-kappa B Complex in the Inflammatory Exudates Characterizing the Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies
A Dual Role for HSP90 and HSP70 in the Inflammatory Myopathies From Muscle Fiber Protection to Active Invasion by Macrophages
The Arecibo Galaxy Environment Survey - II. A H-I view of the abell cluster 1367 and its outskirts