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Partial rejuvenation of the spermatogonial stem cell niche after gender-affirming hormone therapy in trans women.
Crispant analysis in zebrafish as a tool for rapid functional screening of disease-causing genes for bone fragility
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Ym1 protein crystals promote type 2 immunity
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Spotless, a reproducible pipeline for benchmarking cell type deconvolution in spatial transcriptomics
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Root cap cell corpse clearance limits microbial colonization in Arabidopsis thaliana
The antigenic landscape of human influenza N2 neuraminidases from 2009 until 2017
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Emergent dynamics of adult stem cell lineages from single nucleus and single cell RNA-Seq of Drosophila testes
- Journal Article
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Nuclear fascin regulates cancer cell survival
- Journal Article
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The transcription factor RUNX2 drives the generation of human NK cells and promotes tissue residency
- Journal Article
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Independent and interacting value systems for reward and information in the human brain