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Towards a collaborative approach to the systematics of Ipomoea : a response to the 'Rebuttal to (2786) Proposal to change the conserved type of Ipomoea, nom. cons. (Convolvulaceae)'
- Journal Article
- A1
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Complete genus-level phylogenomics and new subtribal classification of the pantropical plant family Annonaceae
Phylogeny and morphological evolution of the Neotropical genus <i>Cuspidaria</i> (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae): Combining high‐throughput sequencing and targeted loci data
Proposal to change the conserved type of Ipomoea, nom. cons. (Convolvulaceae)
Phylogenetics of Dendrochilum (Orchidaceae) : evidence of pronounced morphological homoplasy and predominantly centric endemism
Molecular phylogeny of the large South American genus Eriosyce (Notocacteae, Cactaceae) : generic delimitation and proposed changes in infrageneric and species ranks
Cutting up the climbers : evidence for extensive polyphyly in Friesodielsia (Annonaceae) necessitates generic realignment across the tribe Uvarieae
(2554) Proposal to conserve the name Schoenus hornei (Cyperaceae) with a conserved type
(2555) Proposal to conserve the name Tetraria (Cyperaceae) with a conserved type
Shedding new light on old algae : matching names and sequences in the brown algal genus Lobophora (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae)