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Needcompany & C-songs : films with sea-legs
Another kind of reality : Jan Lauwers' theatre work
No beauty for me there where human life is rare : on Jan Lauwers' theatre work with Needcompany
Christel Stalpaert (UGent) , Frederik Le Roy (UGent) and Sigrid Bousset -
When pop meets trauma : on Needcompany's Images of Affection
Beauty as a weapon against the unbearable cruelty of being in Needcompany's King Lear
On art and life as roundabout paths to death : melancholia, desire and history in Isabella's Room
The Theatre de la Monnaie and theatre life in the 18th century Austrian Netherlands : from a courtly-aristocratic to a civil-enlightened discourse?
Architectuur als decor voor het sociale leven in de 18de eeuw
Performing arts in the Austrian 18th century : new directions in historical and methodological research
Jacques Van Schoor (UGent) , Christel Stalpaert (UGent) and Bram Van Oostveldt (UGent)