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Adriaan Verhulst : urban historian and his ‘The Rise of Cities’ contextualized
Orality, written record and political contract in the earliest borough charters for Flemish local communities (eleventh to twelfth centuries)
Urban space and urban community : some remarks on social topography and the sociospatial structuring of medieval towns in the Low Countries
Woven into the urban fabric : cloth manufacture and economic development in the Flemish West-Quarter (1300-1600)
Triumphant private initiative versus hesitant government action? On indirect tax farming in late-medieval cities
State power and illicit sexuality : the persecution of sodomy in late medieval Bruges
The discreet charms of the bourgeoisie in Ghent around the mid-fifteenth century : Simon Borluut’s financial account book (1450-63)
Urban space and political conflict in late medieval Flanders
Cities in late medieval Europe : the promise and curse of modernity
Destroying and reconstructing the city : the inculcation and arrogation of princely power in the Burgundian-Habsburg Netherlands (fourteenth-sixteenth centuries)