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Ten years of GLEAM : a review of scientific advances and applications
- Conference Paper
- P1
- open access
Analysing ego-networks via typed-edge graphlets : a case study of chronic pain patients
(2022) COMPLEX NETWORKS & THEIR APPLICATIONS X, VOL 1. In Studies in computational intelligence 1072. p.514-526 -
Maximum entropy networks applied on Twitter disinformation datasets
Neighborhood discovery via network community structure
Concordance in FAST-GDM problems : comparing theoretical indices with perceived levels
- Book Chapter
- open access
Fuzzy answer set programming : from theory to practice
- Book Chapter
- open access
Multi-objective Bayesian optimization for engineering simulation
Duality via truth for some fuzzy modal logic
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Functional connectivity hubs and thalamic hemodynamics in rolandic epilepsy
(2018) Complex networks and their applications VII. In Studies in Computational Intelligence 813. p.627-638 -
In a quest for suitable similarity measures to compare experience-based evaluations
(2017) COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE, IJCCI 2015. In Studies in Computational Intelligence 669. p.291-314