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Sexual behavior among emerging adults in Africa : a systematic review and meta-analysis
High-risk human papillomavirus messenger RNA testing using urine, cervicovaginal self-collected and provider-collected cervical samples among women in Mombasa, Kenya
Population size estimate of men who have sex with men, female sex workers and people who inject drugs in Mozambique : a multiple methods approach
Type-specific human papillomavirus prevalence, incident cases, persistence, and associated pregnancy outcomes among HIV-infected women in Kenya
Natural history of Mycoplasma genitalium infection in a cohort of female sex workers in Kampala, Uganda
Feasibility and acceptability of a novel cervicovaginal lavage self-sampling device among women in Kigali, Rwanda
Clinical characteristics associated with Mycoplasma genitalium infection among women at high risk of HIV and other STI in Uganda
Emergence of herpes simplex virus-1 syncytial variants with altered virulence for mice after selection with a natural carrageenan
Factors associated with self-reported unprotected anal sex among male sex workers in Mombasa, Kenya
Mucosal irritation potential of personal lubricants relates to product osmolality as detected by the slug mucosal irritation assay