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Production of biostable drinking water using a lab-scale biological trickling filter enriched with hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria
Tree occurrence in agricultural landscapes of peri-urban Kigali in semi-arid context of Rwanda
Fusarium species and strains involved in Fusarium Head Blight are differentially affected by the promising TickCore3-based plant care solution
Development of a genetic risk score to predict the risk of hypertension in European adolescents from the HELENA study
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Health committees as vehicles for democratic governance in health systems : lessons from selected health unit management committees in Uganda
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Large scale toxicoepigenetics on histones : a mass spectrometry-based screening assay applied to developmental toxicity
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Species ecological strategy and soil phosphorus supply interactively affect plant biomass and phosphorus concentration
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Magnitude of anemia and its associated factors among adult patients with HIV/AIDS on anti-retroviral therapy at Jinka town public health facilities, South Omo zone, Southern Ethiopia : cross-sectional study
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NaCl-related weathering of stone : the importance of kinetics and salt mixtures in environmental risk assessment
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Needs and resources of people with type 2 diabetes in peri-urban Cochabamba, Bolivia : a people-centred perspective