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A uniform sample preparation procedure for gas chromatography combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry for all human doping control relevant anabolic steroids using online 2/3-dimensional liquid chromatography fraction collection
Intact phase II AAS metabolites on GC-MS
DoCoLab's experience in peptide (MW>2 kDa) analysis
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Analysis of non-hydrolyzed sulfated steroids by GC-MS
Identification and confirmation of diuretics and masking agents in urine by turbulent flow online SPE LC-MS/MS for doping control
GC-QTOF-MS : towards a complete and open screening method
Two years' of experience in small peptide analysis using dilute and shoot methodology
Chemical ionization GC-MS/MS : current developments
GC-CI-MS/MS analysis of anabolic androgenic steroids
Increasing the sensitivity of gas chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry by using chemical ionization