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Process and content in performance management : how consistency and supervisor developmental feedback decrease emotional exhaustion via high-quality LMX
When and how developmental rewards and expected contributions relate to emotional exhaustion through work engagement : the multilevel moderating role of the leader’s work pressure
- Journal Article
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- open access
How leader’s red tape interacts with employees’ red tape from the lens of the job demands-resources model
- Journal Article
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- open access
Challenged by great expectations? Examining cross-level moderations and curvilinearity in the public sector job demands–resources model
The role of feedback quality and organizational cynicism for affective commitment through leader-member exchange
- Journal Article
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- open access
One HRM fits all? A meta-analysis of the effects of HRM practices in the public, semipublic, and private sector
- Journal Article
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- open access
We know the Yin but where is the Yang? Toward a balanced approach on common source bias in public administration scholarship