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Sailing through end-of-life challenges : a comprehensive review for offshore wind
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Standardised methods for the determination of key performance indicators for thermal energy storage heat exchangers
Sustainable wind energy planning through ecosystem service impact valuation and exergy : a study case in south-central Chile
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A distance-to-sustainability-target approach for indicator aggregation and its application for the comparison of wind energy alternatives
Co-liquefaction of mixed biomass feedstocks for bio-oil production : a critical review
Low-head pumped hydro storage : a review of applicable technologies for design, grid integration, control and modelling
Progress on suspended nanostructured engineering materials powered solar distillation : a review
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The use of primary energy factors and CO2 intensities for electricity in the European context : a systematic methodological review and critical evaluation of the contemporary literature
The path to sustainable energy supply systems : proposal of an integrative sustainability assessment framework
A review on learning effects in prospective technology assessment