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Technical feasibility of [18F]FET and [18F]FAZA PET guided radiotherapy in a F98 glioblastoma rat model
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Hypoxia imaging with 18F-FAZA PET/CT predicts radiotherapy response in esophageal adenocarcinoma xenografts
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The impact of dual energy CT imaging on dose calculations for pre-clinical studies
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Whole breast and regional nodal irradiation in prone versus supine position in left sided breast cancer
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Combined high dose radiation and pazopanib in metastatic renal cell carcinoma : a phase I dose escalation trial
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Optimal number of atlases and label fusion for automatic multi-atlas-based brachial plexus contouring in radiotherapy treatment planning
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Intensity modulated arc therapy implementation in a three phase adaptive 18F-FDG-PET voxel intensity-based planning strategy for head-and-neck cancer
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Reproducibility of deep inspiration breath hold for prone left-sided whole breast irradiation
- Journal Article
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The effect of morphometric atlas selection on multi-atlas-based automatic brachial plexus segmentation
- Journal Article
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- open access
Repeated stereotactic body radiotherapy for oligometastatic prostate cancer recurrence