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Diurnal cycle of precipitation over the tropics and central United States : intercomparison of general circulation models
Sensitivity of simulated rain intensity and kinetic energy to aerosols and warm‐rain microphysics during the extreme event of July 2021 in Belgium
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Scale‐dependent blending of ensemble rainfall nowcasts and numerical weather prediction in the open‐source pysteps library
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Implementation of a double moment cloud microphysics scheme in the UK Met Office Regional Numerical Weather Prediction Model
Sensitivity of cloud-radiative effects to cloud fraction parametrizations in tropical, midlatitude, and arctic kilometre-scale simulations
A non‐spectral Helmholtz solver for numerical weather prediction models with a mass‐based vertical coordinate
Impact of urban canopy models and external parameters on the modelled urban energy balance in a tropical city
Combining an EKF soil analysis with a 3D-Var upper-air assimilation in a limited-area NWP model
Towards retrieving critical relative humidity from ground-based remote-sensing observations
Importance of temporal symmetry in spatial discretization for geostrophic adjustment in semi-implicit Z-grid schemes