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Spinal hyperexcitability in patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain or headache as evidenced by alterations in the nociceptive withdrawal reflex : a systematic review and meta-analysis
Parental narrative style moderates the relation between pain-related attention and memory biases in youth with chronic pain
Reply to Esposto and Cioeta (2023): Clarification regarding classical conditioning and conditioned pain
The dynamics of pain avoidance: the exploration–exploitation dilemma
Reply to Cohen et al. (2024): Conditioned pain : fact or fiction?
- Journal Article
- open access
What is associated with painful polyneuropathy? A cross-sectional analysis of symptoms and signs in patients with painful and painless polyneuropathy
In search of conditioned pain : an experimental analysis
Relationship, differences, and agreement between objective and subjective sleep measures in chronic spinal pain patients with comorbid insomnia : a cross-sectional study
Neural processing of pain-related distress to neck-specific movements in people with chronic whiplash-associated disorders
Reductions in kinesiophobia and distress after pain neuroscience education and exercise lead to favourable outcomes : a secondary mediation analysis of a randomized controlled trial in primary care