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Gas exchange model using heterogeneous diffusivity to study internal browning in ‘Conference’ pear
Transcriptional and translational perturbation in abiotic stress induced physiological activities and metabolic pathway networks in spongy tissue disorder of mango fruit
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Possibilities of modified atmosphere packaging to prevent the occurrence of internal fruit rot in bell pepper fruit (Capsicum annuum) caused by Fusarium spp
3D pore structure analysis of intact ‘Braeburn’ apples using X-ray micro-CT
The use of redox potential to estimate free chlorine in fresh produce washing operations : possibilities and limitations
Can UV absorbance rapidly estimate the chlorine demand in wash water during fresh-cut produce washing processes?
Multisensor X-ray inspection of internal defects in horticultural products
High oxygen atmospheres can induce russet spotting development in minimally processed iceberg lettuce
Detached ripening of non-climacteric strawberry impairs aroma profile and fruit quality
Effect of atmospheres combining high oxygen and carbon dioxide levels on microbial spoilage and sensory quality of fresh-cut pineapple