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Police equilibrium : a glocal assessment of the demand and supply of police
- Journal Article
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- open access
Police legitimacy and culture revisited through the lens of self-legitimacy
(Post-)crisis policing, public health and private security : the COVID-19 pandemic and the private security sector
A historical perspective on crime control and private security : a Belgian case study
Policing, port security and crime control : an ethnography of the port securityscape
Are all police officers equally triggered? A test of the interaction between moral support for the use of force and exposure to provocation
Dirty money : on financial delinquency
The impact of police contact on trust and police legitimacy in Belgium.
Revisiting the classics : police work : the social organisation of policing : Peter Manning
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Perceptions of corruption in Flanders: surveying citizens and police: a study on the influence of occupational differential association on perceptions of corruption