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The lumbar artery perforator flap in breast reconstruction
Gender-affirmative surgery : a collaborative approach between the surgeon and mental health professional
Dermal nipple-areola complex perfusion through circumareolar scars : a delay model in two-stage nipple-sparing mastectomy
Comparison of presurgical anthropometric measures of right and left complete unilateral cleft lip and/or palate
Fifteen-year experience with the Ghent technique of penile inversion vaginoplasty
Sensibility, sensation, and nerve regeneration after reconstructive genital surgery : evolving concepts in neurobiology
Neourethra creation in gender phalloplasty : differences in techniques and staging
The Baker classification for capsular contracture in breast implant surgery is unreliable as a diagnostic tool
Comparing the lumbar and SGAP flaps to the DIEP flap using the BREAST-Q
Lumbar flap versus the gold standard : comparison to the DIEP flap