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Contemporary methodological considerations for key issues in research on personality disorder development
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Age and sex differences of the PID-5-100 maladaptive personality traits throughout adulthood
Triarchic or septarchic? Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure’s (TriPM) structure
Positive and harmful effects of parental disciplinary tactics on dark trait development throughout childhood and adolescence
Psychopathy in detained boys : the search for primary and secondary variants in a clinical setting
Personality pathology and relationship satisfaction in dating and married couples
A five-factor model of developmental personality pathology precursors
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The relevance of schizotypal traits for understanding interpersonal functioning in adolescents with psychiatric problems.
The twofold diagnosis of personality disorder : how do personality dysfunction and pathological traits increment each other at successive levels of the trait hierarchy?
Assessing maladaptive traits in youth: an English-language version of the dimensional personality symptom itempool