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Educational expansion and socio-geographical inequality (Belgium, 1961–2011)
'I am F. B.' : historians, ethics and the anonymisation of autobiographical sources
'Springing from a sense of wonder' : classroom film and cultural learning in the 1930s
Afterword : inexhaustible cultural learning
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
'What kind of silence is being broken?' : a visual-rhetorical history of the out-of-home placement of children in poverty in 1990s Belgium
The myth of the Phoenix: progressive education, migration and the shaping of the welfare state, 1985-2015
Capacity building and communitas in the history of education
Translating Ovide decroly's ideas to Brazilian teachers
Revisiting the Wittgensteinian legacy: perspectives on representational and non-representational language-games for educational history and theory
Focusing on presentation instead of representation: perspectives on representational and non-representational language-games for educational history and theory