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The human affectome
Hierarchical control over foraging behavior by anterior cingulate cortex
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- open access
Speech as a promising biosignal in precision psychiatry
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An umbrella review of adverse effects associated with antipsychotic medications : the need for complementary study designs
Uncovering the underlying factors of ERP changes in the cyberball paradigm : a systematic review investigating the impact of ostracism and paradigm characteristics
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- open access
Behavioural expressions of loss-chasing in gambling : a systematic scoping review
Combining top-down and bottom-up interventions targeting the vagus nerve to increase resilience
Pain sensitivity is reduced by exercise training : evidence from a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Journal Article
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- open access
The neuroscience of positive emotions and affect : implications for cultivating happiness and wellbeing
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- open access
Mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond : the importance of the vagus nerve for biopsychosocial resilience