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Scorpion venom increases acetylcholine release by prolonging the duration of somatic nerve action potentials
Blood-brain barrier transport kinetics of the neuromedin peptides NMU, NMN, NMB and NT
Voltage-sensor conformation shapes the intra-membrane drug binding site that determines gambierol affinity in Kv channels
Neuropeptide FF receptors as novel targets for limbic seizure attenuation
Structural modeling and patch-clamp analysis of pain-related mutation TRPA1-N855S reveal inter-subunit salt bridges stabilizing the channel open state
Connexin targeting peptides as inhibitors of voltage- and intracellular Ca2+-triggered Cx43 hemichannel opening
Peptides and peptide-derived molecules targeting the intracellular domains of Cx43: gap junctions versus hemichannels
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Is treatment-resistance in unipolar melancholic depression characterized by decreased serotonin(2A) receptors in the dorsal prefrontal: anterior cingulate cortex?
The facilitating effect of prucalopride on cholinergic neurotransmission in pig gastric circular muscle is regulated by phosphodiesterase 4
Direct enhancement of hippocampal dopamine or serotonin levels as a pharmacodynamic measure of combined antidepressant-anticonvulsant action