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Photonic enhancements to tailor the comfort of radiative textiles
Interpreting into an SOV language : memory and the position of the verb : a corpus-based comparative study of interpreted and non-mediated speech
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Reshaping space and time in Morocco : the agencification of urban government and its effects in the Bouregreg Valley (Rabat/Salé)
D'Altazor à Larva : le courant transformationniste en traduction
- Journal Article
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- open access
Van collectie naar connectie, lezen in digitale tijden
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Translation methods and experience : a comparative analysis of human translation and post-editing with students and professional translators
Zo Gelezen
Waarom (nog) translitereren?
- Journal Article
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Foreignization in news translation : metaphors in Russian translation on the news translation website InoSMI
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'Omdat wij van de geesteswetenschappen zijn': rondetafel Digital Humanities