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A shared temporal window of integration across cognitive control and reinforcement learning paradigms : a correlational study
- Journal Article
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- open access
The development of retro-cue benefits with extensive practice : implications for capacity estimation and attentional states in visual working memory
The instruction-based congruency effect predicts task execution efficiency : evidence from inter- and intra-individual differences
- Journal Article
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- open access
Best not to bet on the horserace : a comment on Forrin and MacLeod (2017) and a relevant stimulus-response compatibility view of colour-word contingency learning asymmetries
Geometric and featural representations in semantic concepts
The role of phonological and visual working memory in complex arithmetic for Chinese and Canadian adults
Semantic transparency and masked morphological priming: The case of prefixed words
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Semantic and translation priming from a first language to a second and back: Making sense of the findings
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
'At least one' problem with 'some' formal reasoning paradigms
On the representation of task information in task switching: Evidence from task and dimension switching