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The copular subschema [become/devenir + past participle] in English and French : productivity and degrees of passivity
Coherence relations across speech and sign language : a comparable corpus study of additive connectives
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The semantics of compounding
Special issue : extending the notion of near-synonymy : studies in morphological, syntactic and pragmatic equivalence
Renata Enghels (UGent) -
Extending the notion of near-synonymy : studies in morphological, syntactic and pragmatic equivalence
Svenja Kranich, Contrastive pragmatics and translation : evaluation, epistemic modality and communicative styles in English and German
Review of Hellqvist, Birgitta (2015) Le gérondif en français et les structures correspondantes en suédois
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The clustering of discourse markers and filled pauses : a corpus-based French-English study of (dis)fluency
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Review of Elina Suomela-Härmä, Juhani Härmä and Eva Havu (eds), Représentations des formes d’adresse dans les langues romanes — Representaciones de las formas de tratamiento en las lenguas románicas — Rappresentazioni di forme allocutive nelle lingue romanze. Mémoires de la Société Néophilologique de Helsinki, vol. LXXXIX. Helsinki: Société Néophilologique. 2013. v. + 328 pp. ISBN 978-951-9040-45-5, ISSN 0355–0192
Expressing the source of dispossession acts in French and Spanish : a contrastive study of voler and robar