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The role of explicit memory across second language syntactic development : a structural priming study
Does studying Latin in secondary education predict study achievement in academic higher education?
The strength of cross-language interdependence for listening comprehension proficiency in Turkish-Dutch emergent bilinguals : testing three hypotheses
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Learning English through out‐of‐school exposure : how do word‐related variables and proficiency influence receptive vocabulary learning?
- Journal Article
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- open access
The role of case marking and word order in cross‐linguistic structural priming in late L2 acquisition
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- open access
Foreignness or processing fluency? On understanding the negative bias toward foreign-accented speakers
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- open access
The role of audiovisual speech in the early stages of lexical processing as revealed by the ERP word repetition effect
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Late bilinguals share syntax unsparingly between L1 and L2 : evidence from crosslinguistically similar and different constructions
The longitudinal effect of bilingual immersion schooling on cognitive control and intelligence
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Verbal self-monitoring in the second language