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Comparative effectiveness and implementation of digital health interventions for people with hypertension : systematic review and meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Predictive value of protein-bound uremic toxins for heart failure events in patients with chronic kidney disease
Intermachine variability between the Sphygmocor CVMS and Sphygmocor XCEL device in young healthy adults : a pilot study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Geriatricians' perspective on findings from the STEP and the SPRINT trials with a special focus on their similarities and differences
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Central blood pressure estimation in type 1 diabetes : impact and implications of peripheral calibration method
Athero : an observational cross-sectional evaluation of atherosclerotic risk control in the Belgian population treated with at least one antihypertensive and one lipid-lowering drug
Associations between duration and volume of muscle-strengthening exercise and clinically assessed hypertension among 10 519 UK adults : a cross-sectional study
Genetic association studies of fibromuscular dysplasia identify new risk LOCI and shared genetic basis with more common vascular diseases
Routine assessment of cognitive function in older patients with hypertension seen by primary care physicians : why and how : a decision-making support from the working group on ‘hypertension and the brain’ of the European Society of Hypertension and from the European Geriatric Medicine Society
Cardiovascular screening in asymptomatic type 1 diabetes patients : preliminary results and model proposal for a cost-effectiveness analysis