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News in motion : a quantitative analysis of incremental news updates by Flemish online news outlets
From one division of labor to the other : the relation between beat reporting, freelancing, and journalistic autonomy
Just getting by? Francophone Belgian journalists dealing with Dutch-language sources in their public broadcasting service
'TRUST ME, I’M A SUB-EDITOR' 'Production values' at work in newspaper sub-editing
Tracing the sources : a comparative content analysis of Belgian health news
Networking or not working? A comparison of Arab Spring coverage in Belgian newspapers and TV news
Using citizens for community journalism
Increased news access for international NGOs? How Médecins Sans Frontières' press releases built the agenda of Flemish newspapers (1995-2010)
Exploring the political-economic factors of participatory journalism : views of online journalists in 10 countries
Participatory journalism practices in the media and beyond: an international comparative study of initiatives in online newspapers