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The value of measuring uncertainty in neural networks in dermoscopy
Assessing the minimal important change in the vitiligo extent score and the self-assessment vitiligo extent score
Comment on 'An evidence-based guide to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination of patients on immunotherapies in dermatology'
Standardizing serial photography for assessing and monitoring vitiligo : a core set of international recommendations for essential clinical and technical specifications
Navigating the landscape of core outcome set development in dermatology
Validation study of the Vitiligo Extent Score-plus
The Vitiligo Extent Score (VES) and the VESplus are responsive instruments to assess global and regional treatment response in patients with vitiligo
Development and validation of a patient-reported outcome measure in vitiligo : the Self Assessment Vitiligo Extent Score (SA-VES)
Melanoma-associated leukoderma and vitiligo cannot be differentiated based on blinded assessment by experts in the field
Morphea-like skin reactions in patients treated with the cathepsin K inhibitor balicatib