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Nanoscopic X-ray imaging and quantification of the iron cellular architecture within single fibroblasts of Friedreich's ataxia patients
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Full-field spectroscopic measurement of the X-ray beam from a multilayer monochromator using a hyperspectral X-ray camera
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction investigation of the surface condition of artefacts from King Henry VIII's warship the Mary Rose
Investigation of (micro-)meteoritic materials at the new hard X-ray imaging PUMA beamline for heritage sciences
Methodological challenges of optical tweezers-based X-ray fluorescence imaging of biological model organisms at synchrotron facilities
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A high-pressure and controlled-flow gas system for catalysis research
Energy-resolved electron-yield XAS studies of nanoporous CoAlPO-18 and CoAlPO-34 catalysts
A confocal set-up for micro-XRF and XAFS experiments using diamond-anvil cells
Polycapillary-optics-based micro-XANES and micro-EXAFS at a third-generation bending-magnet beamline
Uranium-sensitive tomography with synchrotron radiation.