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Realizing the economic and circular potential of sharing business models by engaging consumers
- Journal Article
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Piloting personalization research through data-rich environments : a literature review and future research agenda
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Communication in service ecosystems through value propositions : dilemmas and future research avenues
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Implications of customer participation in outsourcing non-core services to third parties
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From third party to significant other for service encounters : a systematic review on third-party roles and their implications
- Journal Article
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Demographic and attitudinal antecedents of consumers' use and self-investment trajectories over time in an online TV content platform
Moving forward and making an impact in service research : from research priorities to research methodologies
- Journal Article
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Designing, writing-up and reviewing case study research : an equifinality perspective
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Dynamics between social media engagement, firm-generated content, and live and time-shifted TV viewing
What causes imbalance in complex service networks? Evidence from a public health service