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The perception, understanding and experience of flourishing in young people living with chronic pain : a Q-methodology study
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Looking on the bright side : the relationships between flourishing and pain-related outcomes among adolescents living with chronic pain
The role of basic psychological need satisfaction, sleep, and mindfulness in the health-related quality of life of people living with HIV
Attending school after treatment for a brain tumor : experiences of children and key figures
Self-esteem and illness self-concept in emerging adults with Type 1 diabetes: long-term associations with illness functioning.
Coming out during adolescence : perceived parents' reactions and internalized sexual stigma
Being healthy or looking good? The effectiveness of health versus appearance focused arguments in two-sided messages
Personality pathology comorbidity in adult females with eating disorders
Exposure makes the heart grow less fond! The effects of exposure to palatable foods on the subsequent attention processing of food cues
The role of interpersonal influence in families in understanding children's eating behavior: a social relations model analysis