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Proud to limit the damage : negatively framed eco-ratings motivate green intentions through anticipated pride
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- open access
Behavioral spillover in the circular economy : the importance of consumer goals
The status signaling function of food waste
A social-cognitive model of climate change behavioral adaption in Tonga : relationships among indigenous knowledge, social media use, norms, values, and spiritual beliefs
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- open access
The behavioral intervention 'positive cueing' : altering self-perception, increasing green awareness, or undermining the signaling value of costly green behavior?
The psychophysiological reactivity to beaches vs. to green and urban environments : insights from a virtual reality experiment
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Think green : investing cognitive effort for a pro-environmental cause
- Journal Article
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- open access
The limited impact of positive cueing on pro-environmental choices
Combatting climate change misinformation : evidence for longevity of inoculation and consensus messaging effects
- Journal Article
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- open access
Local norms and moving intentions : the mediating role of neighborhood satisfaction