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Analysis of changes in home- and community-based service utilization among Chinese older adults : a national cohort study
Unravelling the ideal roster : a cross-sectional study of nurse shift preferences using multivariate analysis
Development of a competency framework for advanced practice nurses : a co‐design process
Understanding strategies that foster nurses to act as clinical leaders in hospitals : a realist review
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- open access
Empowering support for family members of patients with traumatic brain injury during the acute care : insights from family members and nurses
Co‐designing nurse practitioner roles in a tertiary hospital : a qualitative exploration of patterns and underlying dynamics
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- open access
Characteristics and effectiveness of mentoring programmes for specialized and advanced practice nurses : a systematic review
Leader humility and affective commitment : a cross‐sectional study among hospital nursing teams
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
An organizational design perspective on the monthly self‐scheduling process in nursing homes : a multiple case study
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- open access
Integrated person‐ and people‐centred primary care for diabetes in low‐ and middle‐income countries : the nurses' perspective on patient needs