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RNAi in Integrated Pest Management
Analysis of artificial diet to deliver dsRNA in the western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis)
Confocal microscopy for analysis of dsRNA uptake in Lepidoptera midgut cells
Insecticidal activity of orally delivered dsRNA in field-collected African sweetpotato weevils Cylas puncticollis (Coleoptera, Brentidae) from Uganda and Kenya
IOBC-WPRS Working group 'GMOs in Integrated Plant Production' : proceedings of the eighth meeting at Ghent (Belgium), 4-6 September, 2017
Michael Meissle, Adinda De Schrijver and Guy Smagghe (UGent) -
Are larger phytoseiids better biocontrol agents?
Control of the invasive leafminer Tuta absoluta by leaf application of entomopathogenic nematodes
Antipredator behavior of thrips towards phytoseiid eggs: overrated or underestimated?
Optimization of pest control by the predatory bug Macrolophus pygmaeus in greenhouse tomato production
Importance of alternative predators of pear suckers (Cacopsylla pyri) in organic versus IPM pear orchards