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Peer attitudes towards adolescents with speech disorders due to cleft lip and palate
- Journal Article
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- open access
Telepractice in the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric speech-language disorders : the opinions and experiences of speech-language pathologists
Long-term anatomic and functional outcome of pediatric myringoplasty in primary and revision cases
Training speech pathology students in the perceptual evaluation of speech in patients with cleft palate : reliability results and the students' perspective
Parents’ perceptions on speech therapy delivery models in children with a cleft palate : a mixed methods study
A cleft care workshop for speech and language pathologists in resource-limited countries : the participants' experiences about cleft care in Uganda and satisfaction with the training effect
Reliability results of perceptual ratings of resonance, nasal airflow and speech acceptability in patients with cleft palate by Ugandan speech-language pathologists following a two-day workshop
Lipofilling in patients with a cleft lip (and palate) : a pilot study assessing functional outcomes and patients’ satisfaction with appearance
Comparison of motor-phonetic versus phonetic-phonological speech therapy approaches in patients with a cleft (lip and) palate : a study in Uganda
Diagnostic accuracy of CE Chirp