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Noncriteria antiphospholipid antibodies in antiphospholipid syndrome
Monitoring of heparin therapy beyond the anti‐Xa activity assay : evaluation of a thrombin generation assay
Flow cytometric analysis of platelet function to detect high on‐treatment residual platelet reactivity in patients on dual antiplatelet therapy
Purpura fulminans : how varicella zoster can result in acquired protein S deficiency
Is monitoring of antiplatelet therapy by light transmission aggregometry dependent on instrument and reagent used?
Evaluation of a commercial set of frozen plasmas for instrument‐to‐instrument comparability
COVID‐19–related laboratory coagulation findings
Autosomal dominant macrothrombocytopenia caused by a rare GPIBB variant : the importance of DNA sequencing
Testing for antiphospholipid antibodies : advances and best practices
Search for a practical approach for detection of clopidogrel resistance : comparison of light transmission aggregometry and INNOVANCE® PFA P2Y cartridge and correlation with CYP2C19 variants