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- Journal Article
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The association between day-to-day stress experiences and work-life interference among office workers in academia : an ecological momentary assessment study
Low back and neck pain : objective and subjective measures of workplace psychosocial and physical hazards
Are occupational physical activities tailored to the age of cleaners and manufacturing workers?
Longitudinal changes in hearing threshold levels for noise-exposed military personnel
The relation between social capital and burnout : a longitudinal study
Do psychosocial job resources buffer the relation between physical work demands and coronary heart disease?: a prospective study among men
Relationships of organizational social capital with the presence of 'gossip and slander,' 'quarrels and conflicts,' sick leave, and poor work ability in nursing homes
Undergraduate teaching of occupational medicine in European schools of medicine
Comparison between the first and second versions of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire: psychosocial risk factors for a high need for recovery after work
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Sick leave due to back pain in a cohort of young workers