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Wearable multi-antenna multi-band measurement system for personal radio-frequency exposure assessment
- Conference Paper
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Superpixel quality in microscopy images: the impact of noise & denoising
The pumping mechanism of embryonic hearts
(2012) IFMBE Proceedings. 37(5th European conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering, pts 1 and 2). p.470-473 -
Robustness tests of a model based predictive control strategy for depth of anesthesia regulation in a propofol to bispectral index framework
Patellofemoral contact during squat simulation on cadaveric knees
Measuring mouse abdominal aorta dimensions in vivo: a comparison between (3D) ultrasound and micro-CT
Assessment of a patient-specific silicon model of the human arterial forearm
- Conference Paper
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Synthetic vascular ultrasound imaging through coupled fluid-structure interaction and ultrasound simulations
Comparison of optical CT imaging versus NMR imaging for nPAG gel dosimetry
Non-linear resistance associated to complex geometry at high flow rates in vascular access for hemodialysis