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2024 recommendations for validation of noninvasive arterial pulse wave velocity measurement devices
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Clinical validation of carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity measurement using a multi-beam laser vibrometer : the CARDIS study
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Data sharing under the General Data Protection Regulation : time to harmonize law and research ethics?
Longitudinal changes of input impedance, pulse wave velocity, and wave reflection in a middle-aged population : the Asklepios study
Pregnancy-related complications in patients with fibromuscular dysplasia : a report from the European/International Fibromuscular Dysplasia Registry
Phenotype and risk burden of sleep apnea : a population-based cohort study
Prognostic value of masked uncontrolled hypertension : systematic review and meta-analysis
Telomeres and atherosclerosis : the intricate pursuit of mechanistic insight through epidemiology
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- open access
Abnormal wave reflections and left ventricular hypertrophy late after coarctation of the aorta repair
An expert opinion from the European Society of Hypertension-European Union Geriatric Medicine Society working group on the management of hypertension in very old, frail subjects