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Multipeaked breakthrough curves in karstic rivers : effects of a diffluence-confluence system
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Assessing the potential of low‑transmissivity aquifers for aquifer thermal energy storage systems : a case study in Flanders (Belgium)
Investigation of interbasin groundwater flow using multiple approaches : the case of the Tana and Beles basins, Ethiopia
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Bayesian evidential learning : a field validation using push-pull tests
Characterization of spatially variable riverbed hydraulic conductivity using electrical resistivity tomography and induced polarization
Regional groundwater flow modeling of the Geba basin, northern Ethiopia
The hydrogeology of the military inundation at the 1914-1918 Yser front (Belgium)
Seasonal dynamic of a shallow freshwater lens due to irrigation in the coastal plain of Ravenna, Italy
Potable water for a city: a historic perspective from Bruges, Belgium
MODFLOW procedure to simulate axisymmetric flow in radially heterogeneous and layered aquifer systems