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Strength of small-bites abdominal wall closure using different suturing methods and materials in an experimental animal model
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Factors influencing the fascial closure rate after open abdomen treatment : results from the European Hernia Society (EuraHS) Registry Surgical technique matters
Comment to : transversus abdominis release (TAR) for ventral hernia repair : open or robotic? Short-term outcomes from a systematic review with meta-analysis
Association between surgical hernia repair techniques and the incidence of seroma : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
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Slowly resorbable biosynthetic mesh : 2-year results in VHWG grade 3 hernia repair
Implementing preoperative Botulinum toxin A and progressive pneumoperitoneum through the use of an algorithm in giant ventral hernia repair
Management of abdominal wound dehiscence : update of the literature and meta-analysis
Preventing incisional ventral hernias : important for patients but ignored by surgical specialities? A critical review
Dynamic closure techniques for treatment of an open abdomen : an update
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- open access
Accreditation and certification requirements for hernia centers and surgeons : the ACCESS project