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Unveiling digital pathways to active aging : an exploratory mixed methods study of older adults’ experiences and the impact of person‐level factors on mHealth intervention engagement
- Journal Article
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- open access
Contextual factors and programme theories associated with implementing blue prescription programmes : a systematic realist review
The added value of palliative day care centres : a full‐population cross‐sectional survey among clients and their family caregivers in Flanders, Belgium
Perceived availability of home- and community-based services and self-reported depression among Chinese older adults : a cross-sectional study
The involvement of volunteers in palliative care and their collaboration with healthcare professionals : a cross-sectional volunteer survey across the Flemish healthcare system (Belgium)
Opinions towards physical activity interventions using Facebook or text messaging : focus group interviews with vocational school-aged adolescents
Volunteer involvement in the organisation of palliative care : a survey study of the healthcare system in Flanders and Dutch-speaking Brussels, Belgium
Educational needs of healthcare professionals and members of the general public in Alberta Canada, 2 years after the implementation of medical assistance in dying
The role of socioeconomic status in the relationship between detention and self-rated health among prison detainees in Belgium
Perceived discrimination In Primary Healthcare in Europe : evidence from the cross-sectional QUALICOPC study