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'There's more than meets the eye' : developing an integrated archaeological approach to reconstruct human-environment dynamics in the Pontine marshes (Lazio, Central Italy)
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Protohistoric briquetage at Puntone (Tuscany, Italy) : principles and processes of an industry based on the leaching of saline lagoonal sediments
Cone penetration testing for extensive mapping of deeply buried Late Glacial coversand landscape paleotopography
Preliminary characterization of flint raw material used on prehistoric sites in NW Belgium
Evaluation of fluxgate magnetometry and electromagnetic induction surveys for subsurface characterization of archaeological features in World War 1 battlefields
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Archaeological prospection of the nearshore and intertidal area using ultra-high resolution marine acoustic techniques : results from a test study on the Belgian coast at Ostend-Raversijde
Reconstructing early neolithic paleogeography : EMI-vased subsurface modeling and chronological modeling of Holocene peat below the Lower Scheldt floodplain in NW Belgium
The characterization of a former World War I battlefield by integrating multiple signals from a multireceiver EMI soil sensor
Reconstructing phreatic palaeogroundwater levels in a geoarchaeological context: a case study in Flanders, Belgium
Surveying the townscape of Roman Ammaia in Portugal: an integrated geoarchaeological investigation of the forum area