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The object that technology is not and how we can relate to it
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Stigmatized bodies near Lake Victoria : a cultural analysis of institutions
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Subjectivity and transcendental illusions in the Anthropocene
Investigating the unity and disunity of scientific explanation
On the structure and epistemic value of function ascriptions in biology and engineering sciences
The documentary surreal : film and painting in Luciano Emmer’s 'La Leggenda di Sant’Orsola' (1948) and Henri Storck’s 'Le Monde de Paul Delvaux' (1946)
The documentary real : thinking documentary aesthetics
Wich wisdom can change the world?
The art of living with technology : turning over philosophy of technology's empirical turn
Introduction : social epistemology meets the philosophy of the humanities