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Striding forward : a woman's fit in footwear biomechanics research
Low running offers a way to make distance running a viable physical activity option for more people
Duty factor and stride frequency as (potential) load magnitude determinants of slow, female runners' habitual running pattern
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Modelling shape and parameterising style: an approach to the design of high-fashion shoe lasts
The Nike Vaporfly 4% : a game changer to improve performance without biomechanical explanation yet : comment
Influence of music-based feedback training on peak tibial acceleration during running outside of the biomechanics laboratory
Consolidation of the atypical rearfoot strike pattern in distance runners and linkage to tibial shocks
Machine learning as a tool to predict impact loading during over-ground distance running
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Running profiles of recreational distance runners : race, training, spatiotemporal and anthropometrical characteristics
Is consumer behavior towards footwear predisposing for lower extremity injuries in runners and walkers? : a prospective study